Why cholera, why now?

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“Despite our successful control efforts, the ongoing heavy rains and flooding have led to a confirmed case of cholera reported on April 26, 2024 in Tana River County." Public Health PS Mary Muthoni

Since then 44 cholera cases have been reported in Tana River County and Dr Pius Mutuku, medical epidemiologist in the MOH, says the government has mounted a multisector emergency response led by Kenya Disaster Emergency Operations Centre in Nairobi.

Cholera, a bacterial infection caused by ingesting contaminated food or water, leads to severe dehydration and can be fatal within hours if left untreated. What is the link between cholera and flooding? During heavy rainfall, faecal matter contaminated with the Vibrio Cholera bacteria can be carried away by surface runoff towards water bodies reserved for human consumption.

The government is distributing cholera contingency supplies to manage patient symptoms and other supplies to purify water sources and treat household water in all high-risk areas. Communities are also advised to boil or treat drinking water, practice regular handwashing and immediately seek treatment for symptoms.

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