Before taking psychiatric medications ask this

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It takes a lot of self-reflection to seek out a psychiatrist. It's especially vulnerable to do so when experiencing symptoms because your opinions may be dismissed as symptoms - I've experienced this first-hand. Mental illness doesn't mean incompetence or total lack of self-awareness. You've lived inside your mind and body all these years and are the biggest authority on what works for you so it's a collaborative effort.

One of the main types of treatment for bipolar disorder is medication but unlike treating flu, taking psychiatric medications can quickly turn into a lifetime commitment. Here's your reminder that you're in charge of your health and are free to seek clarity on this life-changing decision.

4 questions 4 your doctor

When considering taking medication, ask your doctor the following questions:

  • What symptoms are you seeing that you believe each medication you prescribe will manage so I know what to monitor?
  • Do I need medication to manage those symptoms or are there non-medication strategies we can start with?
  • Are you open to listening to how I've been managing the symptoms you've mentioned without medication?
  • How can I manage medication side effects and after how long can I start to see symptoms improving?

It took ten years to get a clear diagnosis although I first saw a counsellor when I was 16 just as symptoms showed up. When I finally saw a psychiatrist in 2020, targeted questions helped me collaborate on treatment options, a crucial skill I'm still using to advocate for myself because it never stops. I'll share more questions in future editions so that you hopefully spend less time pacing in the waiting room and seeing actual improvements in your life away from the hospital.

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