Athi River: paradise turned ill

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“It started off as a flu, running nose, watery eyes, wheezing and a cough. Then she became feverish and was struggling to breath. So, we took her to a children’s hospital in Kitengela. More tests showed she still had pneumonia" - Charity, resident of Great Wall Gardens, Athi River

Charity would later find out about a long-drawn battle between Great Wall Gardens and a manufacturing company nearby, which the residents accuse of discharging toxic effluents.

Machakos County Lands, Housing, Urban Development and Energy Executive Nathaniel Nganga shared that relevant Machakos County officials failed to develop a comprehensive physical planning map for the area which led to unregulated residential development near factories.

According to 2023 health records, 27.4 per cent of cases treated at the Athi River Level Four Hospital were on respiratory tract illnesses, compared to 25.6 per cent nationally. Dr Andrew Owuor of Kenyatta National Hospital explains that pollution causes inflammation, exposing the respiratory tract to pathogens.

NEMA associate Selelah Okoth says “To get reliable data on air quality you have to monitor every day for at least one year – covering all seasons within the 12 months.” The head of the air quality section said the agency has not yet collected such data. Meanwhile, Code for Africa, a network of civic technology and data journalism labs, has had air quality sensors in Sabaki area of Athi River at different times.

NEMA: The National Environment Management Authority promotes the integration of environmental considerations into development policies, plans, programmes and projects.

We have documented cases of the affected and scientists who can help us mitigate these harmful disease-causing pathogens so how can we speed up air pollution detection? Contracting a preventable disease is a complete life change that costs time, money and a poor quality of life.

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